Basement Miami Bottle Service
Basement in Miami is the all-new type of multidimensional clubbing venue in the city that is highly sought-after nightlife destination for the club-goers out there. Here, the clubbers get to choose from the wide range of clubbing environments for experiencing a unique nightlife feel in Miami. The club is known for including a new wave of fun & exhilaration to the intense Miami Beach clubbing environment. This is the reason the club is visited by many locals as well as tourists from different corners of the world. You can be astounded by the state-of-the-art lighting and sound system in the club for the entertainment of the clubbers.
How much is the bottle service minimum spends at Basement, Miami?
At the multi-venue clubbing destination in Miami, you can look forward to availing the exclusive Basement Miami bottle services. You can get a plethora of exotic cocktails and drinks from different corners of the world. Here, you can expect paying around $500 for the minimum spends on the drinks. However, depending on talent spinning and the given night or occasion in the club, the drink prices might vary.
How much is the drink price at Basement, Miami?
As far as the prices for the drinks and cocktails at the Basement nightclub in Miami, they are moderately priced. You can consider spending anywhere between $500 and $700 for the average alcohol bottles here. However, depending on the number of guests, talent spinning, and the occasion in the club, you can expect slight variations in the drink prices.
How can I book the bottle services at Basement, Miami?
You can book the exclusive Basement Miami bottle services in advance. You can fill the online booking form. Otherwise, you can also contact us on WhatsApp right now!
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